Friday, April 22, 2016

Quick Answers to SDS Questions

Here's a great quick glance at five commonly asked questions regarding the new SDS format.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) have been replaced by Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), which have inevitably given rise to a number of questions about the change.

To clear up any confusion, Tobi Colbert, business development manager for National Service Alliance (NSA), a group purchasing organization for contract cleaners, has highlighted some of the most frequently asked questions about this change, along with the answers.

  1. Why was the change made? The SDS was designed to make the information on labels consistent around the world.
  2. Are SDSs on every cleaning solution? An SDS is required for any product that will be used, handled, or stored in a workplace and is classified as “potentially hazardous.”
  3. Do the new SDS look different from the old MSDS? Yes. A key difference is the use of pictograms in place of words.
  4. How will I know if it is updated? The SDS will have a revised date.
  5. When should a cleaning worker use an SDS? Before working with any new cleaning solution. Workers should make sure the SDS matches the name of the product; review the hazards; understand the safe handling and storage procedures; and know what to do in an emergency.
For more information on safety label changes and deadlines for implementation, check out Cleaning and Maintenance Management's article from August 2015, called "The 411 on GHS.

Information taken from

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